Late start has decreased a ton over the years for Sanger High School. This year we only get 15 minutes extra for the late start time. Instead of starting school at 9:15 or 9:30 like past years, we start at 8:45.
School used to start at 8 am, but a few years ago, the State of California mandated that we push our start time back to 8:30 am. This decision was for many Middle and High Schools around the State.
Students don’t think that’s enough time to do anything.
For example, maybe kids would want to sleep in or have time to do other stuff in the morning before school starts.
Luke Boust, a senior here at Sanger High says, “On block days class periods are a lot longer and mentally draining so the extra sleep is beneficial.”
Micheal Hamilton, Assistant Principal, states that a late start is supposed to allow students more time to sleep, but it also gives them an early morning opportunity to get help from their teachers or work on assignments.
“Our Late Start Days are for Teacher Meetings. Each week, our amazing staff meets for what is called PLC Time. PLC stands for Professional Learning Community and is designated time for teachers to plan with their colleagues in order to increase student achievement” Hamilton says.
Boust also adds how when his older siblings used to come to Sanger High their late start time was 9:25. He thinks that 9:25 is a more reasonable time for a late start.
Another student, Alize Garcia is a ninth grader here at Sanger high school. She has only been here for a couple months but thinks that this year’s late start is not a reasonable time for people to start school.
Garcia thinks that 9:30 is a more reasonable time to start school on late start days because WAMS starts on Wednesdays at that time.
Boust would spend his time by getting extra sleep and having more time to eat in the morning before leaving.
”It would be better to study and have more time to study
because we typically have tests on block days,” Boust states.
“If the late start was longer I would spend it by finishing up some homework, sleeping in or eating breakfast, because sometimes I don’t have enough time in the morning to eat before getting dropped off at school,” Garcia states.