Zenida Velasquez Sanchez, a senior, has been playing football for the last 4 years at Sanger High School.
Velazquez states, “When I was in elementary school I always wanted to play football. In my family, we are big on sports. Growing up my aunts, uncles and cousins always got together to watch football every Sunday.”
Velasquez goes on to explain that hearing about her “tio’s” high school football stories are what persuaded her to be a part of that experience. “I enjoyed those stories and wanted to be a part of that atmosphere.
Being the only girl out there was nerve racking, Velasquez pointed out, but something that helped was family. “My parents supported me. They taught me to do what I am passionate about and not to be afraid to do something different than others. As the years went by, I became less nervous, it got easier to where it doesn’t bother me that I’m the only female on the team,” Velasquez adds.
If Velazquez is not studying academically then she was studying plays for football. “I manage my schedule by doing my homework during lunch, free time in class, and on the bus rides to and from away games. It’s not only school work I have to study for, but our opponent as well. Each week I have to study the way our opponent attacks and defends the ball.”
Velasquez goes on to talk about balancing out school and having such a busy schedule. “When looking on paper you may think that it’s easy for me to get all A’s, but the reality is that it’s not. There are many things that I sacrifice to maintain my G.P.A.”
When reflecting on the season, Velasquez says “This season was great and fun. It is for sure very different in the varsity atmosphere, rather than being in the JV atmosphere.”
Some challenges Velasquez described were coming together as a team, “However, being on the field representing Sanger Apaches is the most rewarding and valuable experience. I believe that it’s a promising year for us. Zenida elaborates.
Velasquez is proud of what they accomplished this year, she goes on to say, “Not only did I get stronger physically and mentally; being on the football team has also made me a better person.”
Coach and Science teacher Steven Walker says “She was a great example to her teammates of what you can achieve through hard work and dedication.”
A friend of Zenida, Senior Citlaly Porres says “Zenida is one of the most hardworking people I know. She’s not only a great player, she’s also a great friend. I’m very proud of her and all she’s accomplished.”
Porres has known Zenida since first grade, “She works well with her teammates, and maintains sportsmanship – displaying fair play and respect.
Walker has known Velasquez since her freshman year. “Since her first day of Football freshman year Z has always been a fierce competitor. She worked every day to perfect her craft as a wide receiver and safety.”
Teammate Drayez Gonzalez, a senior on the team, said, “I didn’t expect to have a girl on the football team.” Gonzalez has known Zenida for about a year.
Porres touching on the subject explains “I thought it was so cool honestly, especially since she would be the only female on the team – I was really proud.”
Walker reflects upon her last 4 years on the team, “I would describe Z as unyielding and a force to be reckoned with both on the field and the classroom, showing her peers how to be a successful student athlete.” Velasquez helps out their coaches a ton at practice Gonzalez states.
Besides football, Velasquez also plays soccer and badminton.
Velazquez adds, “I can’t wait to come back a few years after I graduate to see more girls playing football for Sanger High.”