During the season, there have been many highlights captured on and off the field. As seen on April fifth Sanger High’s JV baseball team has won ten games and have only lost two games so far this season, the varsity team has eleven wins and three losses at press time. Both teams have practice every weekday and, in some cases, they also have practice on Saturdays.
Luke Mason, a 10th grade JV player says, “throughout the season, rest and certain stretches help improve the way I play on the field.” The main positions that Luke plays is second base, shortstop and occasionally he pitches. “What motivates me most during a game is winning,” says Luke.
Both JV and varsity have played each game with a competitive attitude, putting their all in every position they play. Varsity player Maximus Torres says that the most competitive games he has played this season were so far against Sierra Pacific and Madera. “Knowing I have my parent’s love and support with baseball is what gives me the most motivation during even the most competitive games,” says Maximus.
Though a lot of effort is needed to be put into baseball, relaxation is an important factor to success as well. As stated previously Luke Mason says that rest helps him improve during the season. Andrew Moreno elaborates on Mason’s comment by saying, “A good way to help myself relax before a game is by listening to music.”
Every position, no matter if it’s infield or outfield, contributes to winning games. Andrew Moreno says, “I think the position that often has the most chaos is third base.” Third base is the base right before the home plate. This position often deals with stress because they are the last line of defense before the other team scores.
Moreno says that playing third base is most stressful when all of the bases are full because it is possible for every player on the bases to get to home depending on where the next batter hits the ball.
With every sport comes commitment and responsibility. Baseball requires patience and a ton of teamwork to determine success. Luke Mason says, “I love a challenge. Baseball provides that for me and has shown me that determination can make me successful in any position I play.”