This year’s spring musical is a production of Grease, originally a Broadway musical written by Warren Casey and Jim Jacobs. The musical comprises 19 songs, including songs from the movie and original songs made for the play production.
Bonnie Gonzalez says “I chose Grease because it is a fun, high-energy show”.
Rehearsals for the musical started January 30th and rehearsals will go on until April 11th which is when final performances start. Performances of Grease will be held from April 11th through April 20th
When asked about how preparations for the play have been going, Gonzalez replied, “The rehearsals have been going great so far.”
The first Broadway production of Grease: The Musical opened on June 7th, 1972. The adapted version that Sanger High will be performing is different and a new experience from the movie because it adds additional songs that are not in the movie.
Maisie Van Vleet, who plays the main character Sandy, says she auditioned for the role because she “thought it would be fun to audition for a role very different from the ones I usually audition for.”
Daniel Patterson, another actor in the spring musical who plays Kenickie says he auditioned in this musical because he “auditioned because [he] love[s] acting and the whole process that it takes in order to put on a performance”.
Auditions for Grease ran from January 22nd through the 26th; auditions included a dance portion, acting, and singing portion.
Gonzalez adds,“It is always a challenge to select a cast because everyone brings something unique to the audition”.
Some of the main characters in this performance are Danny, Sandy, Rizzo, Kenickie, and Frenchy.
Van Vleet says she thinks,“I think Rizzo is a very popular character because a lot of young girls relate to her.”
Grease on Broadway is a big musical event that has won nine awards.
Patterson adds that his favorite part of the production is “The story…because we haven’t done a high school type musical, which makes everything more relatable and funnier.”
Overall the cast seems to be loving the show so far. Van Vleet adds, “Enjoy the show!!”.