“BrainFuse,” an app brought to Sanger High in late September, is a virtual tutoring service that allows students through districts around the state to receive feedback and assistance on their studies.
The app appears on school iPads; it is used by navigating through different counties and choosing “Fresno County District” ; you will be directed to a variety of different tutoring options suitable for you. Live tutoring is accessible 24/7 and a tutor helps through the screen in all subjects ranging from Kindergarten to College level and with a diverse selection of foreign languages offered to ensure everyone has a chance to receive help.
To further access more options, registering as a student account will allow you to use the writing lab where you can submit a paper and feedback is guaranteed. You can also select the LEAP Learning Program that offers diagnostic practice tests in any class or subject. You can even learn to play chess with a live tutor and “improve your cognitive thinking.”
“This can benefit any SHS student. Whether you are struggling with a freshman level class or AP Calculus, they have online help for you,” said Michael Hamilton, Principal Assistant.
The app grants online tutoring to be available at any point in time.
“If you are struggling with a concept, this is just another way to get help. Lots of students do their work late at night or on the weekends. Having a virtual resource at your fingertips 24/7 is just another way to meet your needs,” adds Hamilton.
Hamilton describes the app as ‘Help On-Demand.’
Although its accessibility is just brand new to our campus, Hamilton says that it’s not an SHS thing and it was found through Fresno County and pushed out to iPads.
“Even if it helps one person, it will be worth it,” says Hamilton.
Gemma Beck, a junior, reviewed the app.
“Virtual tutoring can be helpful to some people and not to others. For example, if you are a visual learner that might be helpful but if you’re a kinesthetic learner, it might be hard for you to comprehend without being hands on,” said Beck.
To Beck, it’s a very easy app to use.
“I would use it again for review and for a second opinion on my writing. It’s an online source useful for getting help with your writing skills,” said Beck.
“You can also use it as a place to study and become more confident in your answer, if you have a test,” Beck adds.
The feedback received from the app was very helpful to Beck and it helps her improve in her writing.
BrainFuse offers help for all subjects, but she prefers seeking virtual help for writing.
“For other subjects like math and science I feel an in-person tutor is better,” Beck adds.
Marjorie Kruger, a junior, believes it’s helpful as well.
“This app allows you to get virtual help on many different school subjects. I have used this app in my English class and it has given me great feedback on how to revise my essays,” said Krueger.
Krueger thought it was super easy to use.
“I will definitely use this app in the future. It has provided me with efficient ways to revise my essays,” Krueger added.
She describes the app itself as a very easy and accessible learning tool that is very effective and efficient.
The feedback provided her with many ways to correct and improve her writing.
“I would prefer in person tutoring for more one-on-one help. But, for just simple corrections and help on an essay I would like online tutoring,” Krueger says.