FRESHMAN VOICES: Do you think we should keep the Apache or change it?

February 14, 2023

As a freshman student at Sanger High School, I think changing the school logo from Apache to the mountain is a good idea and I agree with it.
In today’s society many people find using names such as Apaches as being offensive to the Native-Americans. There have been many teams in recent years that have also changed their names and logos to prevent offending any race.
As for the mascot, I think we should also change it. Keeping it as an Apache would still be seen as offensive to some Native-Americans.
Overall, out of respect for the Native American culture and beliefs, I agree with changing the Sanger High School logo and mascot.

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I personally think the Apache logo should remain the same. It just seems to be the only thing that fits for our school. A mountain has nothing to do with our school, and the word Apache is literally in our name.
Sanger High School students are Apaches, we are all one tribe.
Changing it to a mountain logo just doesn’t really represent our school the way the Apache logo does. A school logo is there to make a strong first impression and when you see a mountain that’s not really memorable.
But an Apache logo just represents Sanger High and separates our school from others.

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